Saturday, September 2, 2017

The best cellulite massagers, techniques, and tricks for fabulously looking skin

The cellulitis and ways to reduce it is a very popular topic for a reason is almost every woman (and some men too) is affected by it at a certain point of their life. And it doesn’t matter if it’s postpartum cellulitis, post-menopausal or youth cellulitis, you still feel bad about the image you see in a mirror. But don’t be as there is a fix for every problem, and this one is no exception.

To cure or at least greatly diminish your bumpy-lumpy look, you need to understand the problem completely. And to do that we highly recommend reading our comprehensive article about the issue.

Click here if you want to know more about what cellulite is, what causes it and how to treat it successfully.

As this article will be focused on actual products, which can help solving this heartbreaking problem.

Cellulite massagers

There are different types of massagers, brushes, and blasters, which marketed too smooth-out orange peel appearance of your skin. They differ in look and performance significantly. Here’s what you need to know to choose the right one for your needs.

Manual massagers

The pros of manual massagers are that they are mostly simple in construction and as result sturdy and reliable. They also can be used in the showers, hot-tubs, saunas and/or away from electricity source without limitation. Lastly, you’re using your arm muscles to perform a massage, what strengthen them as well as make your heart pumping faster and using more calories.

From another hand, it’s a big drawback too. As your arms will get tired much faster than with electric anti-cellulite machines, resulting in shorter massage sessions and potentially inferior results.

Brush Mitts

Round or palm shaped scrubbers that fit nicely in the palm of your hand. Because you don’t need hold tightly on it, but rather press with your whole palm, it’s less tiring for hands than some types of rollers.

They are good for using with creams on any body area, especially for early stage cellulitis.

You can go wrong with this Brush Mitt loved by many.


The difference with brush mitt is that rollers have rolling parts that roll over your skin when you press on it. There are rollers that have pointy fingers that allow more intense deeper penetration in your tissues.

This one is a classic example of roller massager for cellulite removal.

Roller sticks

The advantage of roller sticks is that they can be held with both hands spreading the work load evenly. These are great for back, upper legs and behind the knee areas. A great example of roller stick is this one. There are many wooden roller sticks on the market, but they all made in China with some quality issues.

Octopus massagers

Those are great for smaller areas but for deeper massage, as those “tentacles” can reach deep into your fat deposits. The drawback is that the plastic head attachment tends to break after some time, so you advised to choose “head-less” options like this one.

Fascia blaster

What would happen if octopus massager will mate with roller stick? You will get Fascia blaster sold exclusively by Ashley Black for quite a price of 89$ plus tax and shipping. Though there is something unique about fascia blaster and how deep and thorough it can be in detaching your connective tissue and letting your fat to smooth out.

But don’t hurry to pull out your credit card for this one, as if you feel creative today, you can make your own fascia blaster for the fraction of price and quite an upgrade of the handle grip. Just check the tutorial in here.

Dry brushes

Dry brushing is mainly used for exfoliation and improvement of circulation. But blood and lymph circulation play a crucial role in formation and dissolving of fat pockets. Thus, this product is ought to be mentioned in this article.

Dry brush is a valuable addition to your anti-cellulitis tool-set no matter of what other rollers or creams you have in it. The classic boar bristle brush (without anti-cellulite nubs) would be the best choice, as wooden nubs interfere with proper dry brushing, though it’s a personal choice for everyone.

Vacuum cups

Another way to improve lymph and blood circulation is by using vacuum cups. You can use them in different ways. For general improvement of circulation, you attach them to your skin usually on wet or good lubricated skin and moving up and down in the direction of your heart. To activate circulation in particular spot you suck them on the spot and live for some time there. After removing silicone cup you will bruise on that spot, and it’s what you want. As bruising will cause local inflammation and will signal to the body to improve circulation and bring more nutrients and cleaning crew to that spot.

Different people have different success with cupping. Some like it for some it’s too much bruising. But you can try yourself and decide. Just to be sure to choose better quality cups (like this one), so they last.

Electric massagers

Cellulite Massage machines come in various sizes and forms, but they all electricity powered what allows you to save some muscle energy while giving yourself longer, deeper and more efficient massage.

All electric handheld massage devices marketed mainly for two purposes:

  • Muscle massage – to provide pain relief and alleviate stiffness
  • Anti-cellulite effect – to smooth out fat bumps and dimples

However, both types of machines are pretty similar and differ mainly in massaging attachments and intensity of the massage. Different devices also can differ whether they are cordless or corded, do they have heat, and what they use vibration and/or percussion movements.

We won’t go deep into the realm of electric massagers, but rather discuss ones of the most popular on the current market. In terms where to buy it, Amazon offers the widest variety, but Wal-Mart has better prices on some of them. But, what can beat 2-day shipping, right?

So here is our top suggestion for best electrical personal massagers.

Pure Wave CM7


  • Powerful and well built
  • Cordless with built-in Li-ion battery.
  • Has both vibration and percussion.
  • 6 massaging attachments
  • Has mostly positive customers reviews


  • Priced higher than average
  • Li-ion batteries have limited life span.

WAHL 4290-300


  • Lightweight
  • 4 attachment heads
  • Reliable 8 foot cord
  • Affordable


  • While cord provides better reliability, it less comfortable to use
  • Has only percussion

Massaging techniques

Techniques you’re using very dependent on what equipment, if any, you have and what area you are working on. However, regardless of what and how you will be using, it’s always better to prepare the area. As you will see faster and more significant results.

Massage area preparation

  • Heat the area from outside and inside – You can heat the area from inside by engaging in a cardio exercise of any kind: run, bike, do rebounding on a trampoline, anything you like. To heat your body from outside, you can take hot shower or bath, spend some time in the sauna or hot tub.
  • Apply anti-cellulite cream or massage oils – cellulite-busting creams could get your bumpy ridges to smooth out much faster, though its effects are known to be short term. So the best way to use fat burning and body firming creams is when you need to get results before a certain event, like a vacation.

Massage oils are a must for all types of massage except dry brushing, as it allows to move fingers or nodes of massager easier, doing better work on detaching fascia and blasting fat, without irritating your gentle skin.

Massage techniques for manual massage


This technique is called kneading as it resembles the process of kneading the dough. You can do finger kneading for smaller areas and the whole palm kneading for larger areas as thighs and buttocks.

The video below is one of the best on how to use this type of massage to reduce cellulite.

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